Work With Me

I believe in the personal uniqueness of our stories and holding space for and meeting each person where they are at, and within their existing health and wellness goals. My mission is to awaken each of you inside your own wellness journey to symptom-free living and longevity so that you too can feel vibrant and well.

We will reflect upon your story in how you arrived at your current health and discuss your symptoms so that we can understand the root cause and begin the process of creating your own roadmap to restoring balance in your body.  You’ll learn about the foundations of regenerative health and the path to create an environment in your body to obtain and sustain optimal wellness through a personal health plan specifically created for you.

And together we will celebrate the new, vibrantly well YOU!

I look forward to working with you… 🩵


Appointments are Virtual

(In-Person Appointments Available Upon Request)

Your Free 15

15-Minute Discovery Call | Complimentary

If you are still deciding whether the regenerative health path is right for you, I invite you to book a complimentary 15-minute ‘discovery’ call with me to explore how Vibrantly Well can support you in your health and wellness journey. Here we can discuss your goals and how working together can help you towards those goals. It is important to me that you feel good about the regenerative health path, so, I can’t wait to share Vibrantly Well’s methodology, answer your most important questions and together, discuss next steps.


50-Minute Session | $150

In this session, you will learn how regenerative health can elevate your wellness journey.  We will dive deep into the understanding of nutrition and the biochemical view of how food interacts with the body, you’ll learn about regenerative health modalities that can help with cellular regeneration, aging and longevity, and we will explore solutions you can incorporate into your existing lifestyle.  Based upon your current health and goals, you will leave this appointment with a suggested health plan and guidance for obtaining optimal health.


50-Minute Transformation Consult | $150

Are you ready to understand your body in a whole new way and get to the root cause of your excess weight?  If so, let’s work together so that you can regain vibrant health and freedom from sluggish weight. You will understand the underlying causes of excess weight and the specific triggers that create body fat leading to uncomfortable weight gain and inflammation. While learning about food chemistry, gut health and how to eat for optimal balance, you’ll gain insights on how to nourish your body effectively so that you can have more energy, less inflammation and finally live a healthier and more vibrant life!

During this consult, you will have the option of choosing either a self guided or practitioner guided plan to help you reach your personal weight loss goals. 


90-Minute Full Health Consult | $200

If you are experiencing symptoms or have an illness and would like to understand the root cause of what’s happening in your body, take steps to nourish the body for optimal energy and create a healing environment where your body restores balance and thrives, this Vibrantly Well session is for you. 

Prior to this appointment, you will provide information that reflects your existing health journey and symptoms. Inside your initial appointment, we will discuss this information and begin to dive into the root cause(s) behind what you are experiencing. This consult may also include an optional verbal iris reading known as iridology based on practitioner and client needs. Iridology is the science and practice that reveals body constitution, shows us where inflammation is located and what stage it is in, points out inherent weaknesses and can assist in identifying areas of health that need focus.  Since the iris is connected to every organ and tissue in the body by way of the brain and nervous system, this can be a supportive tool.

You will leave with a greater understanding of regenerative health, as well as a personalized suggested health plan to follow until your next month’s appointment.  Personalized plans may consist of specific herbs, superfoods, dietary changes, regenerative science solutions and other health related guidance.


30-Minute Follow-Up Appointment | Existing Clients Only | $50

As you move through your regenerative health journey the body’s needs may change and evolve. During these follow-up appointments, we will adjust your personalized health plan as needed, answer all of your questions and ensure you have the proper support you need to continue on your regenerative health journey.

Your Experience

45-Minute Talk | Customized Offering

Sharing regenerative health is my passion.  If you are having a wellness event or gathering and would like your guests or employees to learn more about regenerative health and how it can support them in living more vibrant and well, this 45 minute talk will give you an in-depth understanding of what regenerative health is, what the body actually needs for vibrant health and steps you can take to put the body in the right environment for repair and regeneration. 

If you are looking for the talk to cover slightly different or additional topics or would like something other than a 45-minute talk, let’s connect and create a customized offering that will fit your needs. 

Kindly email me to discuss your goals for your event or experience: